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Is your slow metabolism due to age or genetics? Get nutritionist metabolic testing
April 29, 2021 at 7:00 AM
Is your slow metabolism due to age or genetics? Get nutritionist metabolic testing

It’s normal to notice our metabolism slow down as we age. However, sometimes it feels like it was never really running at an optimum pace. Does this mean that your slow metabolism is genetic? Nutritionist metabolic testing can give you an answer by helping to determine why your metabolism is slow. If you’re on a weight loss journey, it’s important to understand metabolic factors so that you can find the best solution to the problems you’re facing. At Dietitian For All, I can help you learn more about your metabolism so you can maximize your weight loss efforts.

Why do you need to know?

Your metabolic rate is determined by a variety of factors. Is it possible that one of these is having more of an impact than the other? It is, but there are things that you can do to combat those factors. Something to keep in mind when taking a look at metabolism is that muscle mass plays a major role in your metabolic rate because muscles are what burn calories.

Signs your slow metabolism is age-related

Your metabolism will naturally slow as you age because your body doesn’t produce the muscle at the same rate as it did when you were younger. For men, testosterone decreases with age. Testosterone promotes muscle growth and it’s usually pretty easy for young men to increase muscle mass. This leads to a fast metabolism at a young age, but it will decrease with age if that muscle mass isn’t maintained. Many men will feel that their age is what’s slowing their metabolism rather than their loss of muscle.

The same is true for women. Estrogen improves muscle mass, as well, but hormone levels in women don’t usually decrease until around age 50. So, why do women have a tougher time putting on muscle weight? Estrogen doesn’t promote muscle building as fast as testosterone and women don’t have nearly as much testosterone. Additionally, estrogen is produced via cholesterol in fat cells, so women must have a certain level of fat tissue in order to encourage the production of estrogen. This vicious cycle works against muscle production and metabolic rate.

Signs your slow metabolism is genetic

As previously mentioned, a big part of metabolic rate is based on muscle mass. Unfortunately, we don’t all produce muscle at the same rate. Our genes play a big part in this. While you might be struggling to get the physical gains that you want at the gym, somebody else might be increasing their weight week over week and building more muscle than they know what to do with. Naturally, this person’s metabolism will be faster than yours. If you know that you don’t produce muscle quickly, then you already have a good baseline for your understanding of your metabolic issues.

How nutritionist metabolic testing can help

Getting nutritionist metabolic testing will help you get a complete view of how your body processes food. With an in-depth understanding of your metabolism, I can work with you in putting together an effective diet plan that will help you lose weight and improve your health. Your individual health plan will be designed to fit your body's metabolism so you don't waste time with outdated information or bad advice.

Schedule an appointment

Learn more about your metabolism and what you can do to get to a healthy weight. Schedule an appointment with me and my team at Dietitian For All. I can perform nutritionist metabolic testing so we have a comprehensive view of your metabolic rate. Give me a call today at 203-977-2446 or send a message via my online contact form and I’ll help you set up an appointment. I’m here to fine-tune your personal nutrition to improve your health.

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